Wednesday 5 November 2008.


Originality. Original. What does it mean to be original?
--Oh wait, wrong blog.

Hello there, fellow LnFs and of course, the elusive jablais.
I'm Hakim. Yes the drunk dude. And this is,

So okay like, I woke up this morning and checked my phone and took a bubbly bath and got dressed for school and ate breakfast and checked my phone. God, I have a message! And I read it aloud, 'Obama won, behbeh ;)'It was obviously from one of the jablais. Izzah. The one who updates me with the current global and local issues. So like then I replied hers, "So, what is he getting? A trophy? Or Maybe a book voucher?" Then, as usual whilst waiting, I used my 3G phone to access


This blog is saturated by jablainess! Someone call Titi Kamal for help!

LnF, Lovers and Friends. Whoa, I am one of them. Officially today (5th November 08); after Ziqah, the chinese-loving jablai gave me an exclusive invitation to this awesome blog.

Like Zul,i would like to share my feeling have these hungry jablais around in almost every daylights.

They make me feel like i am one of them. A JABLAI. Reading Ziqah's post ached my heart. Reading Izzah's post makes me ponder. Reading Izzy's post had me thinking of Miley Cyrus.
/english revision
They also got me thinking. What is the point of life when you can't share it?

Love is a great thing. Falling in love is probably the best feeling. And having my heart throbbed when she embraced me is probably the sweetest hurting.

All of us, we experienced love and we want to be drown in it. Suffocating, gasping, yearning, fidgeting, crying, smiling and laughing as we ebb down to sight the brilliant pearl.

Izzah, jgntah seasonal. You kissed a lot of frogs sudah when are u finding a right one?!
Izzy, kalau ada jodoh, tak kan kemana. Even as a cousin, I think you're attractive. You'll find him soon.
Haziqah, you know you deserve better. Chinese isn't the only race. Ada Indian. Australian. Nepalese. And of course, Malays.
Eric, just be yourself. You have been a good man.
Zul, Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central!
Tiqah, I want more acne patches.
The others, hello!

the kadang-kadang jablai.

{ 3:32 pm }

We call ourselves LnF which is short for Lovers and Friends :) for a long time.
& we're not your average group of friends :)

Speak Up

Our Tune

Rab & Zul

PU1 Saja
