Friday 28 November 2008.

Hello there!

Ti and He are here!

He: Fresh from our rigorous trainings at Ziqah's.

Calories were burnt, Sweats were excreted, Widths had shrunk and most gladly, a few mg of fats were converted to glucose.

Simply said, we are now fit, thin and ready for the Explore Venture and the world to see what we have become.

Ti, anything you want to say?

Err, I have nothing for people to know.

Drama jua eh c tiqah ah. Fine. Maybe she's exhausted. I am too. Ziqah's too; now she lying on the love couch with us watching The Dark Knight.

so this is the end from me, ti and ziqah.
Gossip Girl aka Kirsten Bell

{ 5:27 pm }

Wednesday 26 November 2008.

November is coming to an end and I start to frown a little more. It won't be too long before our last year as high school students begin. Before we know it, we'd be writing new year's resolutions and oathing to fulfill them, counting down seconds to bidding 2008 goodbye. 

So i've made plans, we all have. Plans to make the best out of our holidays. But with people coming and leaving the country at different times, it's really hard to have dates when we all could gather. I'm pretty sure i'm going to miss a lot of good times but i'd probably have good times with the people i haven't seen in months too. 

So before we all head for different destinations or no destination at all, I'd wish for two things from all of us ( in which i could attend) :

1) A day filled with board games and more games.
2) A party, be it Hakim's or the beach or anything at all.

There's actually more but that's what i want to have during the first half of December. 

Zul, Peapot, Hakim, Eric... do blog please.

And i kind of secretly partly hope that you guys won't make it that far for the Explore Venture so we could spend more time doing other stuff :p Good luck team C'est La Vie, and um, something La Vita and Bughi or whatever.


{ 9:24 pm }

Friday 21 November 2008.

I stumbled upon this picture,
which I think says so much
but so few of us can fully understand.

LnFs, I love you.
thanks for keeping me sane during the insane times.
for now.



{ 10:25 pm }


As for now, I am off to..
Catch this week's TV shows, outings, training (hahahaha), movies, outings, sleepovers, outings, beach, bowling, DVD marathons, parties, outings, guy-hunting (jabber speaking), Gadong-ing, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

I'm so happpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppy :D


Can you tell I'm hyper? :D

{ 9:50 pm }

Wednesday 19 November 2008.

Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison, Hef's #1 girl ended their relationship on October 7.

Hef is looking for a new live-in girlfriend.

harharhar. *wiggles eyebrows*

Love, the girl who has a thing for orang tua.

{ 1:57 pm }

Tuesday 18 November 2008.

Word of the day: Thumb Strength

The energy required to write a text.
"Forget it, I don't have the thumb strength to text him. Guess I'll just call"

{ 7:44 pm }

18th November 2008, I hereby declare my self independent of AS exams.

Who's ready for some kick ass time?  I know I am.

Love, Little Miss No Longer Miss Grumps. ;D

{ 7:34 pm }

Saturday 8 November 2008.

One more:

Keep the posts coming guys!

Veintitres :)

{ 4:09 pm }

Friday 7 November 2008.

Haroooooooooooooooo! What happens when you combine (please lah, jangantah kuning) two jablais of the same sex (please lah, jangan kuning!!!!!) in one room, in one house, on one quiet afternoon? You get more jablai fun! Wawawa. Apakan Ziq. Please save me =/

ANYHOOOOOOOO. Jabber crashed Jomber's house this afternoon, because y'all know we're jablai. We've been photoshopping all afternoon and here are the results :) Kami masih amateurs okay, not like Zul and Far so please forgive us :)

Photoshop gone wrong HAHAHAHAHAHA. Izzy macam floating on air! HAHAHA.

Izzy ni buat :) Good job zy.

Sorry wah, self loving :D Ass much..

If only Hakim weren't in the picture!

Izzy did this too :D

And no, that's not Najib at the far right. Esenku Jib ;)

And lastly.. Me likey this picture :D

So like, this is Izzy here. The major jabber crashed my place and we were being very jablai, like dohhh! So we photoshopped, ate, had our own jablai photoshoot (which was tiring by the way!) thennnnn we laughed our ass off looking at this super ridiculous harajuku girl on facebook. So yeah. We had sooooooo much fun. We're supposed to do Physics by the way. Tapinya, I think there's a little bit of Physics in the photoshopping and eating and photoshooting. Hahaha apakan zy. Somebody save me too! =/ By save, I mean, get me a boyfriend. Wawawawa eseeenn ku :p

the two jablais,
Zy and Ziq :D

{ 8:31 pm }

Wednesday 5 November 2008.


Originality. Original. What does it mean to be original?
--Oh wait, wrong blog.

Hello there, fellow LnFs and of course, the elusive jablais.
I'm Hakim. Yes the drunk dude. And this is,

So okay like, I woke up this morning and checked my phone and took a bubbly bath and got dressed for school and ate breakfast and checked my phone. God, I have a message! And I read it aloud, 'Obama won, behbeh ;)'It was obviously from one of the jablais. Izzah. The one who updates me with the current global and local issues. So like then I replied hers, "So, what is he getting? A trophy? Or Maybe a book voucher?" Then, as usual whilst waiting, I used my 3G phone to access


This blog is saturated by jablainess! Someone call Titi Kamal for help!

LnF, Lovers and Friends. Whoa, I am one of them. Officially today (5th November 08); after Ziqah, the chinese-loving jablai gave me an exclusive invitation to this awesome blog.

Like Zul,i would like to share my feeling have these hungry jablais around in almost every daylights.

They make me feel like i am one of them. A JABLAI. Reading Ziqah's post ached my heart. Reading Izzah's post makes me ponder. Reading Izzy's post had me thinking of Miley Cyrus.
/english revision
They also got me thinking. What is the point of life when you can't share it?

Love is a great thing. Falling in love is probably the best feeling. And having my heart throbbed when she embraced me is probably the sweetest hurting.

All of us, we experienced love and we want to be drown in it. Suffocating, gasping, yearning, fidgeting, crying, smiling and laughing as we ebb down to sight the brilliant pearl.

Izzah, jgntah seasonal. You kissed a lot of frogs sudah when are u finding a right one?!
Izzy, kalau ada jodoh, tak kan kemana. Even as a cousin, I think you're attractive. You'll find him soon.
Haziqah, you know you deserve better. Chinese isn't the only race. Ada Indian. Australian. Nepalese. And of course, Malays.
Eric, just be yourself. You have been a good man.
Zul, Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central!
Tiqah, I want more acne patches.
The others, hello!

the kadang-kadang jablai.

{ 3:32 pm }

Tuesday 4 November 2008.




okay.. i'm just kidding. i am proud to say i am not one of them haha

in this post, i would like reveal some of the fascinating facts having these fab jabz around almost every day in your life.

Everyday is christmas - why? well, it's simple. as the name suggests, they are jablaiz and most of the time, what they talk about is MEN ( this exludes eric, i hope) and so, everyday they indirectly shower you with anything men-related! like how much ziqah has a penchant for guys with mata sepet ( this includes eric, though however he is ziqah's last last last resort) or how izzy likes to curse those brazen hussies for liking any men she likes or how just seasonal izzah is. i'm not sure about eric, all i know about him is he writes poem. =) all in all, these people bring joy thus christmas !

i'm just bored.


PS: christmas - it's optional. it depends on which seasons they are it's chinese new year. i hope you geddit. tidur saja ku eh.

{ 3:04 pm }

Monday 3 November 2008.

I just updated my blog and now, I'm updating this one, can you spell jablaitastic for me? JABLAITASTIC! man.

so what does this jabber have to say? I say that...

being single is fun because:
1. I do whatever I like without being scared of silly jealousy and boyfriend issues
2. I can listen to songs and have a million guys to picture instead of just one
3. My 'I love you' is unlimited ;)
4. I have my money all to myself
5. I don't have the responsibility to always be there for someone, I bet it gets tiring no?
6. I am always available for my friends and our ritual hangouts
7. I don't have to worry about the uncertainties of the male chipmunk brain (no fence boys)
8. I am not bind by a short leash or chain therefore I am free as a bird

being single is not fun because:
1. Having someone get jealous actually makes you smile
2. Music sounds so much better when directed to one person
3. 'I love you' has more meaning than you can ever imagine
4. Sharing makes all the memories so much better
5. Being there for each other helps get you through the day
6. He suddenly becomes your bestfriend and it's nice when he gets along with your friends
7. Having him tell you what's on his mind gives you comfort that he actually trusts you
8. What's so great about being free as a bird when you have no one to fly with?

please don't take all this seriously,
we kid we kid, ya dig?

{ 7:42 pm }


7 things I hate about you:

1. You have that cute plus bad-boy face going on, which turns me on every time. I can't stand being turned on all the time you know!

2. When I try to talk to you, all you just do is stare at me and smile.

3. We rarely see each other which bugs me a whole lot!

4. You have that weird and eccentric sense of fashion, which sometimes work, otherwise it doesn't.

5. You are always so busy and surrounded by girls, and you don't have enough time for me!

6. You are imperfectly perfect. Fark you.

And the 7th thing I hate about you..

You don't really EXIST so fark you. For not existing.

HAHAHA. Saja waaahhh. I just read Rab's recent post about the things she hates about K, so akupun mau jua buat lah. But I'm only doing this for the purpose of entertaining you all ;)

Oh and before you think I'm super jablai and weird and sad and loser-ish, the things mentioned above is based on GD. NOT BASED ON AN IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND okay! Hahahah plis lah! I am not THAT sad!

Okay. Dassall. I think I'm supposed to be studying Physics now *puts on glasses*

This could've been us.. HAHA whatever zy! Tidur saja wah..

A piu tarde pedros!

Much love and fat,
izzyGD :))

Smiley nya mcm double chin! Hahaha.

{ 6:34 pm }

The Daily Life Of A Jablai

First thing she does when she wakes up is check her phone. Most of the time, she only sees her wallpaper, a picture of her and her fellow jablais and friends. If she's lucky, she sees one new message. But it is most probably one of her fellow jablais.

She hesitates to go to school, because there is nothing that drives (not in a drive-a-car sense) her to school. Only (but of course) her fellow jablais and free education. There is none that makes her excited to finish class, so that she can bump into that other someone. That's why you usually see her being the last out of class and walking in corridors looking oh so mundane.

You find her concentrating in class and doing work so quickly and neatly. Because she has no one to day dream about and no one to scribble names on papers to.

At home, she comes online and chats with (yeap you guessed it) her fellow jablais. She rarely goes out and usually sleeps early because she doesn't have anyone to have late night convos with apart from... her fellow jablais.

One word to describe her day?

Isn't it nice to have someone to wake up to, someone greeting you a good morning. Someone that drives you to do things you don't normally, but you don't care because the other won't think of you differently? Someone whose "it's okay" can mean the world to you. Someone you can always count on to accompany you do things you've always wanted to do. Someone you can be so open to. Someone who can motivate you to study during exams, and someone who you can text when you're having a break (credits to Zah). Someone you go to sleep thinking of..

Learning from experience, this is what I say:
Don't take your other half for granted.

Ziq who is now off to study Phyziqs.

P/S: HAHAHAHHA the daily life part was for humour only okay! I exaggerated everything hahah, some facts are not true. We're not THAT sad. Don't take me seriously on that :)

{ 2:39 pm }

Sunday 2 November 2008.


Eyahhh. Hahaha.

Just now, I was eating kan, then I suddenly thought of my friends and the silly stuff we do and all that. Yes, I do that. I think. When I eat. Which is a lot. Which saddens me. But that's not the point.

What I'm tryna say is.. Dear LnFs, ingat kamu dulu masa our old group convos, yang last december? Hahaha si Bokh becerita pasal Hitman? Yang arah cerita Hitman, ia buka pintu, sekali ada orang main game Hitman? And he was sooooo amused by it. HAHAHA lame jua ehhh.

Well yeah, atu pulang saja. It's uhhh 3.45PM and I'm off to sleep.

I'm filled with Chinese. Chinese food wah.

Call me,
2456-soavailable-anytime-188 ;)

{ 3:42 pm }


To Ziqah, Miss Jablaitastic 283 aka Veintitres-My-Loyal-Chatterbuddy


I shall find you a new boyfriend.....

...right after I find myself one.

To all the other LnFs


i love all of you like I love to sleep,

{ 9:03 am }


- Ziqah finally finished at 2.30AM.

{ 2:31 am }

We call ourselves LnF which is short for Lovers and Friends :) for a long time.
& we're not your average group of friends :)

Speak Up

Our Tune

Rab & Zul

PU1 Saja
